2023-24 ASC Chamber Pass Program Opt-in
Please complete this registration on a computer, not a mobile device.
There are three steps to the Chamber Pass Program process. This online event registration is the first step, and is used by Basalt Chamber members to indicate that your organization wants to participate in the program. It is recommended that members review the Pre-verification checklist before proceeding with this opt-in.
Step 1 | Opt-in: <--YOU ARE HERE: To start click the blue Register Now button above.
Step 2 | Verification of Eligibility
Step 3 | Pass Selection and Payment
IMPORTANT | Only one person per business/organization. The designated Chamber Pass Program representative should complete this form as well as pass ordering and pass payment with Aspen Skiing Company (ASC). This person is the only point of contact for the entire process for the business and should be an owner, manager or a key person in an HR or Accounting role. The representative is responsible for the management of the program within their organization and controls pass distribution and record keeping. The Basalt Chamber and ASC will only work with the designated representative for the business, not individual employees.
How To: Step-by-step instructions on how to opt-in (with screenshots)
Do not wait until the last minute to complete the process. Payment must be received by ASC by September 15, 2023, to lock in the Super Early Discount rate.
------Qualifications: While any business can join the Basalt Chamber, Aspen Skiing Company has specific requirements for its program. Please see Who is Eligible? and read the Aspen Snowmass 2023-24 Chamber Pass Program Guidelines [PDF] for details.
The Chamber Pass Program is only for local businesses based in the Roaring Fork Valley, with staff living in the valley as their primary residence, 20 hours a week or more in the winter season. Second-home owners are not eligible.