Toy Swap and Indoor Baby Gym
You are invited to a toy swap. Bring up to 5 toys in good condition that your child no longer plays with. You will have an opportunity to find a "new" toy for your child. All left over toys will be donated. Please only bring toys to the swap that are appropriate for ages 0-5 years old.
Come to the library's indoor gym to get out some of those wiggles! Our indoor gym includes tunnels, ball pits, toys and games and more! For ages 0-3. Guardians need to remain with their children while at the library.
¡Visita el gimnasio techado de la biblioteca para liberar un poco de energía! Nuestro gimnasio interior incluye túneles, albercas de pelotas, juguetes, juegos, ¡y mucho más! Para chic@s de 0 a 3 años de edad. L@s niñ@s deberán permanecer con un adulto responsable en todo momento durante su visita a la biblioteca.