
Wordplay & Wellness Workshop

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Name: Wordplay & Wellness Workshop
Date: April 23, 2024
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM MDT
Website: Basalt Library
Event Description:

April is National Poetry Month! Are you interested in awakening your muses and writing poetry? Come to the Wordplay & Wellness Workshop to connect with other writers, and to learn techniques for enhancing your intuition and energetic alignment in combination with wordplay and poetry format strategies. This experience will empower the poems inside of you that want to emerge and inspire the world. Jessica Amber Barnum will lead you through writing activities, gentle yoga and meditation, and a “spoken word” session at the end for those of you who would like to share. Please bring: water, journal, towel or yoga mat, and a laptop (optional). 

iAbril es el mes nacional de la poesía! ¿Estás interesad@ en despertar a tus musas y escribir poesía?  Participa en el taller Wordplay & Wellness para conectar con otr@s escritor@s y para aprender técnicas y enriquecer tu intuicion y alineación energética en combinación con juegos de palabras y estrategias de formato poético. Esta experiencia empoderará los poemas de tu interior que desean surgir e inspirar al mundo. Jessica Amber Barnum te guiará con actividades de escritura, yoga suave y meditación, y una sesión de “lenguaje hablado” al final para aquell@s que deseen compartir. Por favor trae: agua, diario, tapete para yoga o toalla y tu computadora portátil (opcional). 

Basalt Regional Library - Community Room
14 Midland Ave
Date/Time Information:
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
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